A year has gone by and May has been the month when the worlds biggest para table tennis
tournament happens for almost two decades now. 2024 will be no different: Laško, Slovenia, is to
host the already 19 th I Feel Slovenia Thermana Open between May 7-11 th , organized by NPC
Slovenia with its president Damijan Lazar chairing the organizing committee.

“We are honoured and proud to host the biggest international para table tennis event in Laško once again. The
competition will even be stronger than art the Paralympic tournament in Paris. China will be the
only national team missing from the competition this year, but all the other champions are coming,”
says the tournament director Gorazd Vecko enthusiastically about the event in which 273 players
from 45 countries, plus their 197 staff, will be participating.
“The best athletes will come to Laško to win important points for a better ranking position at the Paralympics. Our event is one of only two factor 40 tournaments in the world, which potentially can mean a lot of points for all of those aiming to medal in Paris,” Vecko says on the importance of the Slovenia Open. It does not go unnoticed that the national teams decided to enter the competition with their very best representatives. It is clear: the Paralympic Games, the pinnacle of the 4-year training process, are coming.